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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Education Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Instruction - Case Study Example fled Athens to the field to get away from his persecutors, saying that he would not permit â€Å"Athenians to sin a second time against philosophy,†alluding to the brutality bestowed to Socrates before? (Davidson, 2005, pp.159). 16. Who was the old Greek rationalist who added attracting to the instructive educational plan of Greek society which had up to that point just three parts, proficiency, music and vaulting? (Mahaffy, 2010, pp.52-53) 19. Which old Greek researcher endorsed ‘Dorian’ as the most proper scale for showing music as a component of training and said that woodwinds ought not be utilized in showing the equivalent? (Plato, 1996, pp.49) 24. In which old Greek state might we be able to locate a home that â€Å"enjoyed the best respect and sacredness and the house-mother stood most elevated in veneration and social significance, and where infringement of devotion were rarest†? (Mahaffy, 2010, pp.121) 32. In which nation of old Greece, was the instruction of a lady thought absolutely superfluous and â€Å"to see, hear and state as meager as possible†was considered as the premier goodness of a lady? (Powell, 2001, pp.352). 41. Which was the antiquated Greek state which kept job of family and state in the zone of instruction, carefully separated, expecting that any merger would hamper the opportunity of the person? (Davidson, 2005,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Outline and assess the main arguments about the need for global governance Essays
Diagram and survey the fundamental contentions about the requirement for worldwide administration Essays Diagram and survey the fundamental contentions about the requirement for worldwide administration Paper Diagram and survey the fundamental contentions about the requirement for worldwide administration Paper Article Topic: Contentions Inside the previous barely any years worldwide administration is a point which has been raised much of the time inside conversations, it has been characterized as another, co-usable, however up 'til now to a great extent unknown method of running world undertakings in light of the progressions purchased by both globalization and quick innovative change. This meaning of worldwide administration is additionally settled upon by Simai (1994) who states it is the upkeep of social request around the world, where there is no world government and duty lays on no on-screen character alone. 1 Regarding the matter there are a wide range of perspectives for the requirement for worldwide administration, yet there are numerous contentions which feature the significance of worldwide administration, one of the primary contentions is that worldwide administration would have the option to control different nations. This is worldwide administration requests that there is guideline which is past the ord inary parameters of the state. This thought has just been placed by and by; instances of this would be the United Nations (UN) and furthermore the world exchange association (WTO). These associations were set up to manage the entirety of their individuals, to speak to the nations which needed help, and furthermore to arrange terms of e. g. exchange which would profit populaces or now and again the entirety of society (the forbidding of CFCs). Latham concurs with this view as he would like to think State governments are excessively wasteful and there is requirement for some level of request which reinforces the contention of the viability of worldwide administration. 2 As worldwide administration would be built up to screen the activities of nations, issues which they would need to examine would be issues, for example, regardless of whether the populaces were getting at any rate their fundamental human rights; the explanation behind this is all inclusive human rights are the premise of social association. Infringement of these are a danger to harmony, and their execution on a worldwide scale is the commitment of the global network. As expressed over the WTO is a genuine case of this as they are a non-prejudicial body whose essential standards are the correspondence of benefits, open markets, privatization, and advancement. 3 This can be viewed as a support of the requirement for administration as though this association was not acquainted nations would be capable with remove both their own populace and furthermore different nations essential human rights, or possibly exploiting another countries circumstance which they may by and by be in. Rather there would be a lot of rules which nations would need to follow, in any case moves could be made, e. . authorizes or even a military takeover. Another point which bolsters the idea of the requirement for worldwide administration is expressed by Reginald Dale who says the contention for worldwide administration is generally basic, the same number of todays issues, for example, wrongdoing infection, contamination and destabilizing capital streams are not restricted to n ational outskirts and along these lines can't be explained by singular governments alone. Despite the fact that singular nations can hurt their neighbors, if not the whole world, for example, by neglecting to control digital wrongdoing, tax evasion or natural calamities. 4 This point expounds the view how co-activity is required from all countries as the innovation in the UK or the USA would be further developed then less created nations, for example, Indonesia, thus the assets of increasingly created nations could help battle sicknesses affecting these populaces. At present less created nations are not accepting the portrayal which they require to help tackle issues or concerns which they may have, as nations, for example, the UK and the USA (thought about rich nations) are disproportionably spoken to when they go to culminations or exchanges on region which concern the worldwide populace. On the off chance that worldwide administration was really presented this would not be the situation, this has different sides however as it implies that however less created nations would present this hypothesis as it would give them greater position, nations, for example, the significant forces would be less ready to surrender their situation of power thus this is one reason why it would be hard for this thought to be executed. The last explanation expounds the reality of the control where these rich nations have on the remainder of them, this is the reason in truth that worldwide administration must be executed as there will be a proportionate measure of portrayal and issues which are affecting the biggest measure of individuals or are assessed as most significant points are placed into the front line of the motivation, generally speaking causing a more attractive and just society. Worldwide administration is coordinated against a lot of worldwide issues. Financial, security, and ecological issues are seen to be in the need of worldwide administration and submitted to worldwide systems and foundations. In this view, the outside of worldwide administration comprises in any protection from the worldwide administration of the individual issue-zones. Since the activities and proportions of worldwide administration are intended to create answers for the issue-territories close by, any powers that may challenge the administration exertion are treated as bothersome disturbances. 5Though this can be viewed as a negative perspective on worldwide administration, the announcement could be likewise found from an alternate perspective. The explanation behind this is however it reveals to us that anything outside worldwide administration is viewed as an opposition, the statement shows us the fundamental standards of worldwide administration and on the off chance that it was presented would help cause a sort of familiar object for the individuals wh o agreed to their guidelines. All through this exposition it has been expressed how worldwide administration would go about as a sort of administrative body observing the activities of the nations, however it would need to screen guidelines, for example, exchange understandings it additionally can screen real pioneers/leaders of nations to ensure they are utilizing their impact and force in the most appropriate manner for the populace which they oversee, thus worldwide administration can help advance human rights and has the ability to add to that objective. This line of reasoning is truly addressing how worldwide administration can help being a limit for the political. This view is taken by Konrad Spath who expresses that worldwide administration happens after the applicable issues are distinguished and the game-plan is chosen. Inside the worldwide administration framework, the sort of issues and the type of arrangements that should control administration are as of now recognized and are hanging tight for usage. Any type of legislative issues should remain outside, in light of the fact that it would subvert the viable activity of the administration framework. Along these lines, administration turns out to be to some degree post-political, in light of the fact that it is something that happens after qualities are picked, objectives are set and political consultations have planned the future way to a superior world. Since political battles and challenges would be counterproductive to the rising agreement of worldwide guideline, administration itself needs to turn into a kind of limit for the political. 6 Taking everything into account, the fundamental contentions for the need of worldwide administration would be that as individual governments can't fathom all issues without anyone else worldwide administration can assist with directing all nations, give insurance for human rights and exchange understandings like that being completed by associations like the World Trade Organization (WTO). Additionally, worldwide administration would be a limit for the political and would enable less created nations to have a greater amount of a contribution to how the world is run, and manners by which they would have the option to improve their populaces way of life. In my perspective I accept that worldwide administration is a significant hypothesis which ought to be considered as there would be numerous advantages for society in the event that it was presented, in principle it would make a more attractive all the more just society which would profit everybody. In spite of the fact that in the light of the contentions it appears that worldwide administration is viewed as a smart thought, yet we dont know whether this would be the situation whenever put by and by, yet the truth will surface eventually as at present we don't have any genuine instances of this hypothesis to contrast and.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Physical Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism
Physical Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism Addiction Alcohol Use Print Physical Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on February 21, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 11, 2019 Bliznetsov / Getty Images More in Addiction Alcohol Use Binge Drinking Withdrawal and Relapse Children of Alcoholics Drunk Driving Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery There are many signs and symptoms related to drinking problems. Alcoholism is a general term rather than the clinical term, which is alcohol use disorder. It is considered a progressive disease, meaning that the effects of drinking alcohol become increasingly more severe over time. Those who use alcohol may begin to show early signs of a problem, then progress to showing symptoms of alcohol abuse. If drinking continues, they may later show signs of alcoholism or alcohol dependence. Taking an alcoholism screening quiz can help you determine whether you have the symptoms of an alcohol use disorder. Early Signs of an Alcohol Problem Early signs of alcoholism include frequent intoxication, an established pattern of heavy drinking and drinking in dangerous situations, such as when driving. Other early signs of alcoholism include black-out drinking or a drastic change in demeanor while drinking, such as consistently becoming angry or violent. Progressive symptoms of alcohol abuse occur when you continue to drink after your drinking reaches a level that causes recurrent problems. Continuing to drink after it causes you to miss work, drive drunk, shirk responsibilities or get in trouble with the law is considered alcohol abuse. Facts About Alcohol Abuse Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, (DSM-5) published in 2013 lists 11 symptoms of alcohol use disorder. The symptoms: You often drink alcohol in larger amounts or over a longer period than you intendYou want to cut down or control your alcohol use but your efforts may be unsuccessfulYou spend a lot of time getting alcohol, using it, and recovering from the effects of your drinkingYou have alcohol cravingsYour use of alcohol results in failing to meet your obligations at work, school, or homeYou continue to use alcohol despite it leading to recurrent problems socially or in your relationshipsYou give up or reduce your participation in important social, occupational, or recreational activities because of your use of alcoholYou use alcohol in situations in which it is physically hazardous (such as driving, operating machinery, performing surgery)You continue to use alcohol even knowing that you have a physical or psychological problem that is caused by or made worse by alcoholYou experience alcohol tolerance, either by needing more alcohol to get intoxicated or you feel diminished effects when dr inking the same amount of alcoholYou experience withdrawal syndrome or you use alcohol or other substances to prevent withdrawal symptoms Mild, Moderate, or Severe If you have two to three symptoms, you could be diagnosed with a mild disorderIf you have four to five symptoms, you are likely to have a moderate alcohol use disorderIf you have six or more of the symptoms, you have a severe alcohol use disorder, and it is likely that you would be considered to be an alcoholic under the common use of the term Previous definitions of alcohol dependence and alcoholism included having three of seven symptoms that included neglect of other activities, excessive use of alcohol, impaired control of alcohol consumption, the persistence of alcohol use, large amounts of time spent in alcohol-related activities, withdrawal symptoms, and tolerance of alcohol. Physical Signs of Alcoholism Alcohol use can have physical effects. These are some of the physical signs that can develop: The frequent smell of alcohol on the breath, which can continue for hours after heavy drinkingWeight loss due to the neglect of eating in favor of drinkingDry skin and brittle hair and nails from the dehydrating effects of alcohol, which can result in an increased appearance of aging and wrinklesBroken capillaries on your face and noseYellow eyes and skin due to liver damagePoor hygiene Physical Symptoms of Alcoholism A Word From Verywell Alcoholism is a treatable disease, with many treatment programs and approaches available to support alcoholics who have decided to get help. Getting help before your problem drinking progresses to severe alcohol use disorder can save your life.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Case Study Motor Vehicle Pollution - 2028 Words
1. 3rd Grade 2. Motor vehicle pollution 3. Rationale for project’s focus One child told the class that their car was emitting a lot of smoke. The other children started asking whether it was burning, and why it was having smoke. They mentioned that most car have smoke and wanted to find out why the smoke only comes when the car is on. Exploring the car emissions could lead to learning about pollution, driving rules, and caring for the environment. The project is appropriate for the student s interest in learning about their immediate surrounding, understanding pollution from vehicles. Given the interest, the project would assist the student to be able to connect their knowledge with the repeated opportunities for using materials and resources to improve that knowledge. The students have a tendency to ask questions about their general observation. They have an exploratory skill that needs further development. They can benefit from an ability to plan tasks to accomplish an outcome that communicates what they are learning as well as their new capabilities, gained from the learning process (Kuby, 2013). 4. Timeline In the first week, students become familiar with basic facts about vehicles, fuel, smoke, color, shape, movement. I will use pictures of vehicles to discuss different types of cars. I will inform students about pollution caused by car smoke. I will have posters to show the relationship of pollutions and cars and why there is need to reduce the pollution. ChildrenShow MoreRelatedAir Polution And Outdoor Air Pollution1299 Words  | 6 Pages I. Public Health Problem Poor air quality can be classified into two types of air pollution: indoor air pollution and outdoor air pollution. Both types of air pollution affect developed and developing countries through diseases such as asthma, lung cancer, heart disease, acute respiratory disease, stroke, and chronic respiratory disease. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Economic History Essay Topics - a Short Overview
Economic History Essay Topics - a Short Overview The Most Popular Economic History Essay Topics When reading through such materials, it's important to take note of the major points which you would utilize to support your argument. There are lots of assortments of topics based on the subject you would decide to compose a paper. In any case, it ought to attract your readers' attention, and thus it ought to be brief and right to the point. It's thus important to remind the readers of your central argument and after that supply an overview of the primary points. One of the very first things you must understand in earning your topic choice is that there's a difference between history and current affairs. When you come back to the question, it can be that the problems have resolved themselves. Put simply, you've got to believe very carefully about the question you are requested to reply. So think as difficult as you can in regards to the significance of the question, about the issues it raises and the ways that you can answer it. The Importance of Economic History Essay Topics The Federal Reserve played a huge part in the Great Depression. There were political and financial alterations. Paper Masters can compile a project that you could be pleased with. It is advised to divide this kind of paper into sections. To begin with, the paper is passed through Copyscape application to ensure it isn't plagiarized. Or it might focus on medical discoveries, such as the polio vaccine or penicillin. Even a fast glance through our list of the most fascinating history topics will allow you to get a good starting point and keep on to your own ideas that you currently have in mind! Alternately, a fast look at the topics listed below may provide you the inspiration you will need to think of your own title. At the base of this page, you'll discover some amazing examples of American history argumentative essay topics for you to pick from, and every one of them will be interesting and fascinating to find out more about. The subjects listed on this page are somewhat universal and might not do the job so great if you wish to produce a flawless history essay. History papers can have a while to write. Perhaps you still must understand more about the way to compose a history paper. A custom written paper is one which is written exactly to your requirements. Thus, writing a history paper will definitely be fun, if you simply pick a really intriguing history essay topic. Do not increase your odds of being discontinued from your studies as a result of trusting people who can't even assist with choosing history essay topics for high school students. If you're looking for assistance with your essay then we provide a comprehensive writing service given by fully qualified academics in your area of study. Some academics indicate that you need to be studying a minimum of 30 pages of research material for each and every page of your research paper. Because the protracted essay contains far more words than a normal essay, the selection of topic has to be such a good argument can be developed and resolved. The selection of topic is all-important in regards to writing a protracted essay and certainly in the topic of history. Afterwards, the greatest action to do is to narrow the subject down according to the guidelines offered by your professor. Whether your papers are about Canadian history essay topics or another topic, you're still guaranteed of top quality. The topic ought to be quite controversial once you are writing an argumentative write up. It is the most important thing for an essay. To get started writing your assignment you would want to encounter an interesting and promising topic. First off, it's necessary for you to understand the key source that's going to work for your history topic and after that, it's necessary for you to conduct the key investigating to find dependable answers to the questions which you are searching for. In the event you can't find your subject here, don't hesitate to have a talk with our staff and put an order for a customized history essay on your distinct subject. If you wish to choose nice and interesting American history essay topics, you have to be mindful they ought to be specific and fairly narrow so that you're able to reflect on a particular problem or issue. Talking over your preferred topic with your supervisor should hopefully avoid choosing a poor topic.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ways has gender expectation changed over generations Free Essays
Gender expectation generally means sets of behavior that society decide how female or males should think, act or feel. Many people get confuse about thinking that sex and gender are the same; however, Ashley Grossman, sociologist, explains â€Å"sex is biologically assigned while gender is socially constructed, socially created†. (Grossman) Therefore, gender is influenced by cultural, family, environmental, religious, educational, socioeconomic and geographical setting; in other words, it Is more nurture than nature. We will write a custom essay sample on Ways has gender expectation changed over generations or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many theories have been written to describe the gender role, how It Is formed. For example, The Evolutionary Psychology Theory of Gender says that different roles in reproduction places different pressures on males and females, which creates gender roles as the man being the more competitive and violent figure, while the women being more involved in nurturing activities. The Social Role Theory of Gender says that gender roles are formed by psychological gender differences caused by contrasting social roles of women and men. The Social Cognitive Theory of gender states that children’s gender development occurs through observation and imitation of gender behavior. While my conclusions will not be based on these theories, they do help explain the formation and change of gender roles across time. Let us have a jump in the past. For more than 7000 years of human history, since agriculture and early States emerged, men were dominating the society they lived in, from the micro-world of families to the public macro-world of education and work. They have been tasked to provide for their family, from hunting and bringing home food for survival, like In our earliest days, to go to work and earn a paycheck and bringing home the bacon, like in our recent times. On the contrary, women were not even considered legal entities, persons in the legal sense. Until the end of the 19th century, an educated woman that was actually able to read books and have her own opinion, was not considerable a desirable wife. That’s how strong the Institutionalizing of differentiation between women and men within society was. Even today, In some society, women are the slaves of men, completely disemboweled and vulnerable; some they must cover their faces In public or forbidden to appear outside their home without the presence of their husband. Back o 18th Century, sex role were rigid, with women assigned to be caregiver, mother. â€Å"In classic German phase, women were expected to dedicate themselves to the four KS : Creche (Church), Chuck(Cooking) ,Kinder (Children), undo Killdeer (and cloths)†. (Tier-Anna 13) This is female expectation In the past, and If a woman tried to break out of these roles , she might risk getting server disapproval. Regarding the education of women, the intellect of woman was limited by an unjustifiable restriction: the education was not objectively given to women. They were excluded from the subjects which men were trained. In the case of few people, male or female, attaining some education beyond basic reading, writing, and little math, the higher education was reserved primarily for men. Moving on the political point of view, women were not allowed to get Involve In pollute: had no right to vote, had no chance to be a governor, been changed drastically, generation over generation, more in women than men: women have come a long way; they are getting married later in life, giving birth later and they are getting more opportunities in which in the past generation were not allowed to. Likewise, men have more responsibilities in many roles which in the past were expected from women. We can list the main differences from the past in family rules, education and work. In recent years there has been a redefinition of man and woman roles in the family. The man tends to spend more time with their children, taking advantage of a working woman. Statistically though, only the time spent with children has increased from the father side. The mother, despite working, still spends the same time with her children, which is still higher that the father. Eventually, the chores are done from a person they both hire. The role of father has changes so much that there has been a rise of men’s groups which feel been disadvantaged in this society where the legal system and the family court (in matters relating to access, child care and associated financial costs) is definitely in favor of women. Glen Sack shares his idea regarding to being househusband or stayed home dad (SHAD) that â€Å"Men need not fear a loss of power when they become a SHAD. While Shads are sometimes stereotyped as being at the mercy of their stronger wives’ commands, in reality, I have more power in the family now than I ever did hen I was the family breadwinner†( Sacks 266). This example shows that staying home and taking care children, which is expected to be a woman Job, not only man can do, but also been accepted from society. Coming to education, women have finally gained access to all kind of education, even if there is still a margin of higher paid salary among the male gender. While there is improvement, for the social status of women in education and work participation rates, women still are experiencing conflict and differences in power in the workplace. For centuries there has been a sexual division of Jobs’ rates of pay were women were paid much lower than males. This difference was Justified by the idea that men had the responsibility to support their family, whereas women tent to work less because of family commitments, childbirth and child-bearing ; therefore, occupations dominated by men tend to be more lucrative. Today a woman has access to all kind of Jobs, but because not all women want to dedicate themselves to a career, many women prefer to work part- time or accept less demanding positions. But it is only a question of choice, a woman choice. It is important to notice that change for women in society has led to men re- evaluating their roles. In the 21st century, a group of fathers meets regularly. Their agenda is that divorce, family law and economic crisis are reducing many males to a marginalia role within society. They feel that their situation is very similar to women in the past. Many men feel that due to divorce, unemployment and shifting of social norms, they are in an inferior position. Coupled with females outperforming males in different areas, from school grades to Job performances, some males do not feel it is an advantage to be a male. Eventually, this historic conflict about social differences between men and women has come to a point where cooperation between the two could be helpful to both. The shifting of power from a man dominance world to woman dominance world means still inequality and discrimination. Maybe equality of opportunity and outcome can be better achieved difference. In the end, the competition of a Nation depends significantly on whether and how it educates its female and male talent to maximize its competitiveness and development potential; it means that each Country should strive for gender equality. How to cite Ways has gender expectation changed over generations, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Sport Of Kings - Horse Racing Essays - Horse Racing,
Sport Of Kings - Horse Racing Matthew W. Ketron Eng 291-23 Prof. McElfresh December 8, 1999 The Sport of Kings Horse Racing is a contest of speed between two or more horses, usually Thoroughbreds, which are driven or ridden over a special race course. It is technically termed flat racing. One of the oldest known sports, and still popular in most countries, horse racing is also one of the most highly organized and commercialized sports. Flat races are contests of speed between two or more saddle horses, generally Thoroughbreds, ridden by jockeys on specially built tracks over distances from 440 yards to 2 miles. The sport is termed flat racing to differentiate it from the steeplechase, which involves jumping over obstacles. To equalize the competition between horses of a given class, each animal is assigned a weight handicap based on factors such as its age, sex, and past performances, and the jockeys experience. Lead bars are carried in a holding pad under the saddle to make up the difference the assigned weight and jockeys weight. The origination of flat races can be traced back as early as 1140. The first line of a long line of kings named Henry tried to improve his Hobby horses by importing Arab stallions to give them more speed and stronger power. Throughout the Crusades, from 1096 to 1270, Turkish cavalry horses dominated the larger English warhorses, leading the Crusaders to buy, capture or steal their share of the stallions. After the War or the Roses, which decimated Englands horse population, King Henry aimed to rebuild his cavalry. Both the king and his son, Henry VIII, imported horses from Italy, Spain and North Africa, and maintained their own racing stable. Henrys Hobbys, as they were called, raced against horses owned by other nobility, leading the word hobby to mean a costly pastime indulged in by the idle rich. It also lends credibility to horse racing being labeled as the Sport of Kings(DRF Staff). Henry VIII focused on elevating the quality of his horses by breeding to quality bloodlines and this practice is employed to this day. All modern Thoroughbreds have as common ancestors one or more of three stallions, the Byerly Turk, the Darley Arabian, and the Godolphin Barb, which were imported into Great Britain from the Middle East and North Africa between 1689 and 1724 (DRF Staff). Mated with strong English mares, they produced offspring with both speed and endurance. Thoroughbreds that compete in organized flat racing are registered in the official national stud books of their country of birth. The British stud book was begun in 1791. Stud records in the United States date from 1873. When horses that are intended for racing careers are two years old, they begin training that includes accepting the weight of the rider and their commands. Although most two-year-olds race, Thoroughbreds are usually in their prime between the ages of three and five, and horses up to ten have competed successfully. Some races are for horses of one sex only, but most races are open to entries of either sex. A female horse is known as a filly until its fifth birthday and as a mare thereafter. A castrated male horse of any age is called a gelding. An ungelded male horse is known as a colt until its fifth birthday, when it is thereafter referred to simply as a horse or a stallion, regardless of age. Champion stallions are of great value to their owners, not only because of their race winnings but also because other horse owners and breeders pay substantial sums for the privilege of mating their own brood mares with these stallions. The expectation is that the offspring will become champions as well. The purchase price of a Thoroughbred suitable for racing or breeding purposes ranges from several thousand to more than a million dollars. The earning potential, however, for successful Thoroughbreds during and after their active racing careers is high. In 1996 Cigar broke the career earnings record of $6,679,242, set by Alysheba. Another leading money earner, John Henry, a gelding, raced through 1984 and retired at the age of nine with earnings of $6,597,947. One of the highest prices paid for a Thoroughbred was about $30 million for the European champion
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